Steve Schohn

Steve Schohn's Fundraiser

Help Me Make a Difference by Raising Money For Mental Health image

Help Me Make a Difference by Raising Money For Mental Health

Join me and help make a difference, please give what you can and spread the word.


$265 towards $1,000

I'm running a 100-mile ultramarathon on August 24th at the East Fork 100 in Ohio. I'm using this is an opportunity to help make a difference in an issue that myself, and many people struggle with: mental health and PTSD.

Prior to 2019 I struggled with severe depression and PTSD for many years. I was also an alcoholic. I hit an all-time low before I had an epiphany on April 1, 2019, and realized I needed to change my mindset and make some serious life changes. I started exercising more and running more. Then I started to make goals for myself. One big one was to run a marathon.

Prior to 2019 I was 50 pounds heavier and couldn't run a mile without stopping. I was very unhealthy and out of shape. So a marathon was a very big goal, but I was determined. I signed up for thr Pittsburgh Marathon and trained hard. Then covid hit, and the 2020 Pittsburgh Marathon was canceled. But instead of getting a refund I decided to run it virtually (run it on my own time and record it myself). When I completed the marathon distance I was proud of myself and the work I put in. And then I wondered...what's next?

Then I found out about ultramarathons, which is basically any distance over a marathon, but usually a 50k (32 miler) comes next. So I started signing up for ultramarathons. I ran my first 50k, 50-miler, and 70-miler (and many other races) all within the next 2 years.

People see me now and don't realize what I went through. They also don't realize that it's not about running at all. It's about doing hard things, getting uncomfortable, and trying to evolve and be a better person, day in and day out. When you run an ultramarathon, you go through a lot of emotions. A lot of trials and tribulations. And you come out a better person on the other side. Running has helped and continues to help my mental health and depression. It's not something you "get over" but once you work on yourself you realize that it's manageable. I still have good days and bad days like anyone, but I now know that I have to work on myself every day. And I hope to inspire and help others that are going through depression and PTSD. I never would have imagined I'd be where I am today. And I can't imagine where this journey will take me.

So please, join me in supporting real change with Bigger than the Trail. Let’s support good in the world and make a difference. Help us by providing free access to counseling services, directly impact our communities by helping those in need when and where it matters most.

Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for BIGGER THAN THE TRAIL