Chris Chandre

Chris Chandre's Fundraiser

Help provide educational support and treatment options for those in need. image

Help provide educational support and treatment options for those in need.

Join me and help make a difference, please give today.


$874 towards $1,000

Hi all! 2 years ago we raised over $12,000 for substance abuse treatment and addiction services. This was to honor my buddy Tony Worachek. Since that fundraiser, many friends and family have reached out about similar stories with family and friends. There is still a great need for help.

On August, 26th I will be turning 49. I will also be running 100 miles at the Midwest States 100 in northern Wisconsin. Trail ultra running was how I dealt with a loss of a friend. It's also where I found the most supportive group of people on the planet.

Will I finish? Who knows. I want to find out. I want to see what my answer is at 2am, in a blackened forest, after 20 hours of running when I ask myself if I should quit.

Finally, if you are inclined, please give. Bigger than the trail is a great organization, and have sponsored many of the aid stations I've run through in the woods. BTTT provides educational support and treatment options. Their focus is to bring light to the real struggles and challenges that are associated with mental health.

