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Your donation is being made to a donor advised fund at Network For Good Inc. , a Delaware non-profit corporate and a Section (501)(c)(3) tax-exempt organization (EIN: 68-0480736).

100% of your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent otherwise allowed by law. No goods or services have been provided to you in return for your donation. Network for Good has exclusive legal control over your donation.

Your donation is subject to our Charitable Solicitation Disclosures (details on disbursement timing and how the donor advised fund works) and our Privacy Policy . Network for Good grants donated funds to other charities and charges a 3% fee. This fee is used to pay banks, credit card companies, and other administrative costs.

On rare occasions, we may not be able to send your donation as requested. Click here to learn when this may happen.

Your donation may take 15-50 days to be sent. Click here to learn more.